HorseSisters & Associates, Inc.
H.E.A.T. HorseSisters Equine Assisted Therapy and Rescue

We welcome your desire to volunteer for us. We have so many places in our agengy where you can help - A mandatory orientation is required to volunteer. Orientations are the same days as the work days - from 2 till 4:00 - weather permitting. Please RSVP which orientation you will attent by emailing
Need community service hours?
We welcome any talents and gifts of self you can bring us! If you need community service hours for school - BRIGHT FUTURES, church, work or court, please let us know and we will be happy to accomodate you!
Outdoor Projects Include:
- Working at our thrift store -
- Building A Carriage & Hay Barn
- Maintaining & Restoring our carriages & wagons
- Designing & building the living quarters for our horse trailer
- Pasture maintenance (removing toxic weeds and plants)
- Mowing and fence line clearing - fence repair
- Horse grooming & conditioning
- Providing assistance at events & Special Olympics & 4 - H shows
If you don't care to work outside, there are endless indoor jobs also, which include:
- Photo album, scrap book and Video making
- Recruiting and coordinating volunteers
- Fund raising - finding sponsors and grants
- Public relations - speaking to groups
- Future event planning
- Budget/Finance/Audit & Capital Improvements
- Special Olympic Coordinator
- Office Duties
- Webmaster
Adult Volunteer form
Youth Volunteer form
Membership form