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Volunteer Characteristics and Requirements

Reliability: Attendance on your assigned date is essential to the smooth operation of our programs. If for some reason you cannot attend your regularly scheduled time, call as soon as possible. Our riders are counting on you to be there!
Punctuality: Be on time, in fact, be early! Late arrivals can be very frustrating for everyone.
Sensible and Comfortable Clothing: Socially acceptable personal hygiene and dress is expected at all times. Sturdy shoes or boots you can walk in are required, NO OPEN TOES. No spandex or tank tops, and no exposed midriffs. Jewelry should not dangle or be hazardous.
Patience: Endless patience is required to adjust to the often slow movement and progress of our riders. Be a positive role-model and set a shining example at all times. Riders, other volunteers, support staff, and the animals are to be treated with the utmost respect at all times.
Empathetic: Avoid pity or false sentiment. Freely express your caring and understanding in an appropriate manner.
Relaxed: Stay cool, calm, and collected. Try to be in control of your behaviors and attitudes and show good sportsmanship. An anxious volunteer can make a nervous horse and rider.
Horse Knowledge: Knowledge of horses is definitely a strong advantage, however willingness to learn and acquire new knowledge is encouraged and recognized. We never stop learning. If you don't know how to do something, ask!
Physical Fitness: Be prepared for a lot of walking in the hot sun. Tell the staff if anything has changed, you don't feel well, or if you are taking or require any medications. Bring a water bottle and keep it with you!
Alertness and Anticipation: Despite an outward appearance of relaxation and calmness, always be ready for the unexpected.

All volunteer paperwork MUST be on file before working with others, no exceptions.

Background checks MAY be performed on all volunteers.
No smoking or drinking of alcoholic beverages around minors or riders at any time.
Foul or crude language, or disruptive, poor attitudes will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
Volunteers are NOT to adjust any equipment on the horse. See a horse handler immediately if something is troubling the horse or you.
All volunteers desiring to exercise the horses will be required to volunteer 20 hours and pass a riding demonstration.





CALL  321.267.2929

By appointment ONLY Except Thursday's

Open House

Common Sense Ranch
2714 Cuyler Street
Mims, Florida 32754

124 South Park Ave
Titusville, Fl 32796


Open House
Every Thursday
4PM - 7PM

JOIN OUR SOCIAL NETWORKS to keep in the loop with daily updates on our horses, ranch, and events.

HorseSisters & Associates, Inc., - H.E.A.T. - HorseSisters Equine Assisted Therapy & Rescue is a 501(c)(3) all volunteer nonprofit CBO - Community Benefit Organization and donations may be tax deductible in accordance with IRS guidelines.  EIN: 59-3670805


A copy of the official registration may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling the State of Florida; 1-800-435-7352.  Registration does not imply endorsement, approval or recommendation by the State of Florida  - CH-11837

© 2017 by HorseSisters

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